Wise men agree that it is okay to be foolish at times and in fact, every silly act is a step to wisdom. So don't be embarrassed when someone plays pranks on you and calls you 'April Fool'.
peopleeeee...it's the 1st of April 2009 !! for those who are slow to catch on, it's APRIL FOOL's !! get it get it get it ??? it's the time for mayhem and hoaxes and tricks and pranks..
haha..i've yet to come up with foolproof plans on the pranks i wanna play..arghh..i've been thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking to no avail..BOOHOO !! so i guess i doubt i'll be playing any today...=(
owh yea, on another note, jason just reminded me of the april fool's joke they played on us..LOL..
aron, jason, pei, yi yang and a couple of other guys called and texted us that the school's teacher's room was burnt down..therefore, it lead to the non-existence of our moral papers..at 1st, we didn't exactly buy it..but when more and more people confirmed it, i kinda believed it..and i nearly did nt study for it..AHAHA..i miss the pranks/tricks/mayhems/hoaxes that you all used to play..

during new year's 2009 at julian's 'holiday home'...