Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lust of Love at first sight ?

I do not think that what is called love at first sight is so great an absurdity as it is sometimes imagined to be. We generally make up our minds beforehand to the sort of person we should like, short or tall, black or brown or fair; and when we meet with a complete example of the qualities we admire, the bargain is soon struck. (as quoted by some famous guy)

there's no such stuff as love at first sight..i never believe people who say that they fell in love at first me there's no such stuff..maybe that's because i'm a cynic...haha..but i do believe in lust at first sight..LOL..that's a more possible explanation for the so-called butteflies in the stomach and the rate of heartbeat..there's no way you can love someone without knowing all about them first..therefore, it's more of attraction at first sight !!