BEFORE...when we were still kids and teenagers in high school..seems like ages ago..=(
i still rmbr u when we 1st met in kindergarten..we were in the same class all the way till primary 6..we were friends and then not and then friends again..aha..u could say we had a lot of stuff from primary that we had 2gether..haha..then high school came..and college..and we're still friends..u're always be the cutie-pie that i knw..thanks dearie..have a BLAST of a day yea..
sryyy..i asked u what u wanted n u said ur bf..awww..i'm soo sryy la i dont knw hw 2 kidnap him for u..haha..eh lehh..some more say bo liu come 2 kl..haha..i'll see u when i'm back in kch laaa ok..n also during CNY where i'm gonna go ang pao collecting from u..hehe..since u're gonna be MARRIED by then i hope !! =)