woke up at arnd 10 and got ready to go to college for some serious studying..but after a few mins there, i decided to go n check out Quattro since i had no chance 2 do so that friday..
so jas'rynn n i went using the LRT to KLCC..omg..it was so super embarrassing..i nearly fell down the bloody escalator..shiittt..luckily no1 saw i think..we reached Avenue K after 30 mins..n CB Quattro wasn't even opened !! only the Summer Restaurant was..it didnt look very grand and all from the outside..F*KING-ness man..i saw this notice for the drinks and cover charges..

went to KLCC after that to shop..saw this GORGEOUS new LV purse..damn..i WANT !! i'm coming back for you, babyyyyy..^^ walked the entire place till 1.00pm..then off we went back 2 LRT station 2 go back 2 college..on the way back, there were a few occurences..i dashed out of the train even b4 we reached Kelana Jaya n made a record-holding 2 min dash down the flight of stairs 2 answer a nerve-wrecking phone call..n then when we went back in2 the train, a few HORRIBLE ppl stepped on our feet..excuse me la..WTH la..its nt our fault that u did nt see ur destination n nearly missed it..do u hav 2 step on ppl's feet lyk as though they made u miss it ?? SHEESH man..bloody rude !! no sorry some more..-ishhh..
we took a couple of random shots in the train cuz it was a longggggggg journey back..our stop was the last one in that route..haha..ppl were looking at us while we were playing arnd but hey its a public transport..we can do whatever we want in there..LOL..arrived back at college at 2.30 n studied straight till 7.30 pm...guai-nya..i'm amazed some times at my diligence..=P haha..