challenges & dares are a drive in life..they are the sort of stuff which makes human life all the more interesting..without it, life would be routine-ly..which would then lead to utter and absolute BOREDOM !
scandals are also another thing which makes life interesting..without scandals, ppl would not gossip..without scandals, the person or ppl comitting the scandal would not feel the excitement and rush just by doing it..
i have just realised that pining for someone who has already left is just gonna hurt you is just to short to attach yourself to the memory of that person and yearn for him from afar..that is why long distant relationships never will work for i'm just gonna live in today and take a day at a time..whatever happens when the time comes happens..
pining and yearning is only gonna make me all the more that doesn't work at all..hahaha..
our (shynee & I) challenge/dare will only start after this 2 weeks..if he/she msges within this 2 weeks, then the dare is on..if nt, then we gotta accomplish another separate mini dare..arghh...i'm hoping she texts me asap..i dont feel like doing the mini dare nooowww...=(