i am so happyy..J.Zhen came down kl...and she went to pyramid 2 meet up with me today..whee..we spent the whole afternoon n evening walking and talking and shopping and gossiping and eating and me showing her all the clubs..that girl ahh..she wanted 2 club today..tsk tsk tsk..i have exams 2mr laaaa..cant laaa..haha..and she said 2mr must..she wanna call the taylor's ppl..hahaha..LOL..we'll see okk..OMG..they bought so many stuffff !! haha..n we went to the Thai restaurant 2 eat..i thought i'll only see her 2day but she brought along Francis whom i have not seen in agess..and another fren whom i dont knw, Chew Yee..it was super UBER fun..sighh..she's going back kch on thurs..haihh..otherwise she could have followed the gang 2 Quattro's grand opening party which i think i mayb going with some of my fave ppl esp his brother..damn laaa..anyways, LOVE you..u're the BEST !!

omg la..i'm really distracted..aiks..

our scrumptious Thai FEAST !!