another thursday has flown by..there was as usual ntg much that happened in school was basically just routine..had classes straight from 8.30 till right ? yea..we thought the fun time wud begin later in the day when we had a rendezvous was the usual spot, Euphoria every thurs..MIXTAPE ladies..before this, it was always fun..but tonight was HORRIBLE..only 1 word 2 describe it..there was nt as many ppl as compared b4 n there was just too many complications that happened..went with my usual babes..shynee, nat, michele n steph..met up with cyn, cheryl and joandee there..saw ppl i knw such as mere acquaintences and also ppl i dislike n detest..ewww..lousy lousy lousy night..
~haha..we were the
~ crazy nat and me..its been like this for years already..ROTFL..

~shynee and me..when u see me, u'll see her..=)
~michele, me and lastly shynee..we were in the toilet right ?haha..

~fucked up..a symbol of one of the shittiest nights ever..=(
* i hate ppl who reports every single shit that you do to your have no life is it that u have to do that..please la...GET A FUCKING's none of ur business what i do as it does nt concerns u at all..i'm nt even related to u..u're just an acquaintance..BLOODY HELL..i so wanna take retribution n vengeance for what u did..STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE..